Hypervisor-based next-generation Rootkit
We focused on undetectability, deceiving all of the detection vectors on both kernel and user space.
We provide intuitive API for easy system control - with C/C++, Python, and Rust.
We insanely optimized the driver, minimizing overhead that caused of hypervisor-based techniques. Blazing fast.
from hyro.ept import EptHook
from hyro.proc import Process
from hyro.memory import PhysicalAddress
from bypass import fake_page
eac = Process("EasyAntiCheat.exe")
cr3 = eac.get_cr3()
patch_addr = eac.scanner.pattern_scan("CA FE BA BE ?? ?? 01 23 45 67")[0]
pa = PhysicalAddress(patch_addr, cr3=cr3)
hook = EptHook(pa)
$14.99 (... ETH)